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Westfield, NJ

Welcome to WHAT'S NEXT FURNITURE ... where vintage, antique and thrift shop finds are re-imagined with a 21st century twist!

What's Next Furniture pieces are hand-painted, one-of-a-kind creations that will look beautiful in your home.

Choose a newly re-imagined piece ready for delivery or customize a piece you already own to match your décor.

Along with new upholstery and modern fabrics, WHAT'S NEXT FURNITURE uses a variety of paint types, glazes and distressing techniques to transform furniture.

So, explore "what's next?" for furniture pieces  . . .  and "what's next?" for their lucky new owners!


Brimfield Antiques Market

Anne Riegel

My first visit to the famous Brimfield, Massachusetts antiques market in May was a success! My good friend Lisa S joined me for this adventure trip.  My minivan came home packed with new projects to work on for WHAT'S NEXT FURNITURE. (I will be busy with these for a long time!) 

I'm hoping to plan another trip there in the future, but it seems that the September timing won't work this year.  The market is held three times per year, in May, July and September.  Maybe I can squeeze in another trip next May (hmm ... the week is sandwiched between two college graduation weekends ... so it will be a challenge!)

My new acquisitions ready for cleaning in the driveway (and then storage in the garage!)

Wearing our new Brimfield t-shirts that we were so excited to find!

Wearing our new Brimfield t-shirts that we were so excited to find!

Minivan packed with new purchases ... luckily our suitcases still fit!

Minivan packed with new purchases ... luckily our suitcases still fit!